I'm running out of indignant words about this insanity with gun worshipping in the US, so offer only this short comment about the latest tragedy:
To the untrained eyes of an outsider from, let's say, Mars, it may seem that the militants who want to take back America in case Obama wins this Fall, recently have started practice shooting on US civilians. GO NRA!
And here is the relevant news clip from the CNN site:
New York City is gun free with the toughest gun control laws in the country. Obviously there was no one there able to legally defend themselves and the shooter was free to shoot.
ReplyDeleteMuch like the Colorado movie theater. No guns allowed. The shooter had over 10 minutes to walk around and blow away disarmed individuals freely.
In Norway, they just sentenced Breivik, sane, to 21 years. He had 3 hours to hunt unarmed children on an island killing 77 of them. No guns in Norway for self defense. It's against the law.
There are indignant words on both sides. Lunacy is lunacy and will find a way to kill. People should be able to protect themselves.
Lunatics with knives and fists are less dangerous than those with guns. Shootout in a dark crowded movie? Yeah! John Wayne reality show!!! Hurray!
ReplyDeleteSajnos ebben az orszagban a fegyverviselesi jogot a szemelyi szabadsaghoz kapcsoljak. Nem hiszem hogy amiatt akarnak fegyverviseli jogot mert republikanusok, inkabb azert republikanusok mert ez a part tamogatja a NRA. Es a part valoszinu csak a szavazatok miatt tamogatja az NRA-t.
ReplyDeleteEn nem vagyok hive a jelenlegi elnokunknek es a politikajanak, nagyon is a szovjet rendszert emlekezteti. En a jelen vezetonket Leninnek hivom, aki forradalom nelkul akar szocializmust teremteni. Termeszetesen az ellenfel parttal sem ertek egyett mindenden Andras