Today, I received another one of those mass e-mails that some of my friends carelessly contaminates the cyberspace with. The seed of this message is quite long and way too transparent. It is an article with the sole purpose of wanting to make me feel very uncomfortable about people who try to make health care accessible to the 30-40 million less fortunate compatriots of ours.
Part 1, personalization of the mass e-mail:
"I would get a mile of fun out of knowing who that well educated, smart person was!
Well, they can repel the law of physics, then I guess they can repel a law of nature as well for the health care related issues!
A good wish for them:
Have a sudden, uncontrollable diarrhea as you try to impress
someone the most!
Have a thousand fire ants in your undershorts and too short arms to scratch.
- my friend has a way with words that serves her vitriolic sense of humor very well -
Part 2, the funny article that is supposed to scare and make me laugh at the same time:
- Click on article clip and zoom in as needed -
Part 3, my reflection on the subject:
Dear Z.Z.Z!
Those seasoned automobile experts with over 30 year of experience are the very people that bankrupted the American car industry. They were pulled out by the Obama administration moments before drowning. They should kiss the bottom half of those Obama ˝newcomers˝ who arranged the bail-out for them, not bad-mouth them with clearly made-up stories like this.
On second thought, this story may have nothing to do with Chrysler and much more to do with Rush Limbaugh and the likes. Too bad people actually are willing to distribute them.
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