Saturday, October 24, 2009

Briefly about "tea-parties" and the health policy debate

The other day a friend of mine surprised me with the message below:

"Our tax dollars hard at work:

The Democratic Party is >paying people to force this healthcare down our throats while accusing anyone who questions it "redneck racist tea-bagg'n Conservative Party of bussing mobs in to disrupt town hall-meetings"...

What happened in America?  Did we lose our right even to question?"

I could not sit on my mouth even if our friendship was at stake:

The way I see the Americans did not lose their right to question rather, they think they gained the right to scream and yell without understanding the issues or giving a chance for intelligent conversation with their representatives. Instead, they prefer to follow the inflammatory comments by Rush Limbo, Bill O'Riley and the likes; qualified political analysts indeed.

I wish I saw this high emotions when these concerned Americans first learned about the tens of millions of their compatriots not having insurance!

PS: friendship saved, she is still sending me those Glenn Beck and company messages...

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