Saturday, October 3, 2009

Michael Moore: Capitalism: A Love Story

I saw the movie last night, on its day of premiere.
It is sort of the "expected movie" from the voice of the simple guy with good common sense. No doubt it will draw tremendous criticism but will be loved around much of the World although probably not in the US.

The first indication of how the movie will be handled in the US is that the local Regal Cinema did not play it in its main location in the Mall rather, in a small "satellite" location a block down the road. On the last show (10pm) the theater was about 30/40% full. Instead of a detailed analysis, I only want to share the  take-home message that I got from the movie.

It brings up very good points about capitalism, as it is practiced in the US. Even gun ho capitalist believers should take time to ponder about some of his arguments. Although Michael Moore already made it "big time" in the same system he is so critical of, he has the integrity to stand up for the small guy. He knows that most people will not have his kind of chance to succeed, although nearly everyone seems to be duped by the slogans of the Promise Land. The movie is not denying that the dream that seems to fuel capitalism, the dream of becoming rich, will come through for a selected few. However, it expresses Moore's concerns that this capitalist dream somehow dehumanized the American society. He warns that the realistic desire of people, not to become a millionaire,  just to live the life of a simple, hard working middle class citizen, is endangered by an ever more greedy upper class.

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